Wholesaler Shop Login

Login below to access our online shop exclusive to Wholesale members. State Sales Tax Number required.

What’s included?

Our online portal allows online Wholesale Members to access new product and place orders online by building a virtual shopping cart. This cart is sent to Spikes for processing, where your order will be built and can be prepared for shipping or pickup.

  • In order to access our Wholesaler Online Shop, you'll need to create an account with your business aduress and State Sales Tax Number. If you need help finding your tax number, you can follow the guide here:

    Guide to find Sales Tax Number

  • You can purchase retail by visiting our store, open Tuesday - Saturday at 749 E St Highway 52. You can also keep up with our new products and seasonal offerings by following us on Facebook or Instagram.


  • We offer pickup in store on all wholesale orders, along with UPS shipping to your business

  • When you place your order, it will be sent to Spikes for processing. If you’ve chosen “Pickup,” you can pay in store, and for “Delivery,” you’ll be sent an invoice for online payment with shipping cost.

  • Yes! We have thousands of constantly updating products. If there’s something specific you’re looking to add to your order, you can contact us using the Facebook Messenger button at the bottom of any website page.

  • You’ll need to submit a copy of your state sales tax number to be approved for a wholesale purchase. You can do this in person or online here.